An organization is a place where the different departments work together to achieve the common goal of bringing profits. From the recent past, it has been seen that, one area which has seen a see change in terms of growth and practices is human resources management. Till recently, it was a department which was only considered to be concentrated over the smooth functioning of production and operations. However, coupled with other functions, their main job revolved around finding contingency measures to avoid strikes and sort out any kind of conflict that might be envisioned between the labors and the management. Added further the appraisals and compensation issues were the main issues that formed main part of the human resources employee relations.
Well in times of today the demographics of human resources management has completely changed. The company employee is not just a person giving his services for the pay that is given to him but it is a skill set which needs to be kept happy to give the company the best services. There are times that you have to deal very softly and at the same time professionally to get the managements point across to the employee. This is the reason it is said that human resources employee relations walk a very thin line. After all at the end of the day a happy and satisfied employee is what everyone aims to have as it turns into higher work output.
Human resources consulting and management begins right from the time a prospective employee comes to give his resume for a job in an organization. The short listing, sorting of resumes begins here where the HR of the company sorts the resume as per the requirement of the company. The interviews with the departments and heads are then scheduled by the HR. After finalization of the employee, then comes deciding the package and the remuneration that the employee will be paid. This all is finalized by the HR in discussion with the management. Not only this, the HR is responsible to finalize the appraisals of employees as the time arises.
Human resources management involves not just trainings, appraisals and the like but involves a system where you can give your complaints as well. This gives a feeling of transparency to the employees that there point is being heard. It also opens channels of communication between both the parties and benefits the organization in the long run. Human resources employee relations is a buffer which makes the employee open up with the management where he can discuss his future trainings that he might wish to undertake . This also gives him a chance to preview the future that he might have in the company and the HR has to make sure that the employee is comfortable in the organization.